Heenat Salma Farm, in Doha, is a multifaceted project of the  Caravane Earth Foundation dedicated to hospitality, regenerative agriculture, educational and cultural initiatives, traditional architecture and community development. We offer a uniquely nourishing space where visitors can come to rest, recharge and gather, enjoy farm-to-table experiences, participate in artisanal workshops and trainings, and explore ethical marketplaces, contributing to the regeneration of ecology, community and culture in Qatar and beyond. 


 At Heenat Salma Farm, we are actively pioneering a sustainable and ethical value chain for organic food production in Qatar. We have successfully transformed a 50-hectare local conventional farm into a permaculture Centre of Excellence that diversifies local food production with vegetables, fruits, medicinal plants, eggs, poultry meat and other staples suited to arid landscapes. 

Alongside agriculture, our farm offers unique opportunities to learn about and participate in regenerative ways of living. We offer eco-hospitality experiences, wellness activities, vocational and educational trainings, classes with master craftspeople, cultural and community-building events, and much more, each activity supporting the other harmoniously. 


Heenat Salma farm is located in Shahaniya, north-west of Doha.  


In 2018, Caravane Earth Foundation brought together a group of dedicated experts in arid-land permaculture, traditional architecture, and water conservation to develop a holistic farm model and a ten-year strategy aimed at converting a conventional farm into a centre for organic, regenerative agriculture in Qatar. 

Out of these initial steps emerged an opportunity not only to implement and showcase innovative agricultural techniques of great value to arid regions, but also to do much more. Today, at Heenat Salma, we have built a unique community that brings together eco-hospitality, craftsmanship, educational and cultural experiences, and wellness activities – all inspired by and supportive of our overarching vision and mission at Caravane Earth.  

The holistic environment at Heenat Salma farm inspires a sense of inner quiet and connection. It brings you closer to the beauty of the natural world and engages you in the possibilities of an ethical and regenerative way of life.  


We are living in a time of profound planetary change; a time in which human activities and ways of relating are driving an unprecedented deterioration in the diversity, resilience, and functionality of Earth’s ecosystems, as well as in our societies and cultures.  

Deep, radical shifts in our ways of living and relating to one another, and to the natural world, are vital if we are to find a pathway forwards as humanity that is harmonious, peaceful, resilient, diverse, beautiful, and just. 

Heenat Salma farm’s activities and offerings are our way of responding to the needs of this profoundly important time for people and planet. Through a wealth of tangible approaches that are rooted in traditional and indigenous wisdom, Heenat Salma functions as a prototype, where we seed, practice, and promote ways of living that are truly nourishing to our ecologies, societies, and cultures. 


Meeet our Team Members


Caravane Earth is an international foundation dedicated to social, cultural, and ecological transformation globally. Established in 2018, we collaborate with a dynamic network of partners to seed, practice, and promote systemic solutions to the global challenges we face. Our activities are designed to mitigate these challenges and render harmony at every level of society.  

To optimise our impact, we orient towards humankind’s essential needs for food and water, shelter, clothing, and creative expression. In building systems to meet these needs in a sustainable and regenerative way, we focus on root cause, reviving and upscaling traditional, community-centric, and decentralised models of development that are aligned with ecological principles and ethical values, and that support cultural diversity and craftsmanship. Our unique, ecologically-inspired organisational structure supports us to engage in our mission impactfully, with hands, heart, mind, and spirit. 

EastEast is a multimedia platform, launched by the Caravane Earth Foundation, that is dedicated to sharing inspiring, thought-provoking, and topical content across the Foundation’s areas of thematic focus.

Through text, photographs, music and film, this platform taps into the unique and sometimes unnoticed sides of countries situated on the East-East axis, including West Asia, North Africa, Eastern Europe, the North and South Caucasus, Central Asia, East and Southeast Asia, and beyond. We release content via weekly features, daily short stories, and quarterly thematic issues, in English, Arabic and Russian. 

Masala Traders is an ethical trade company specializing in organic spices and groceries. The company creates trade routes connecting small and medium-sized farms with people in big cities.