Organic Shop

Seasonal Vegetable Box

Creative Residency

Residencies with Impact


organic regenerative agriculture

Step Into the Heart of Heenat Salma

Unveil the beauty of Heenat Salma farm: relax in our handcrafted Majlis, savour meals in our Kitchen, unwind in spacious Lodging, and gather under the stars at our Tea Tent and fireplace. Each corner offers a unique embrace of nature and comfort.


Majlis and Reception Hennat Salma Farm

Majlis and Reception

Guests are invited to check in and to enjoy our majlis, specially built using organic materials for Heenat Salma farm.
Kitchen Hennat Salma Farm


Enjoy our delicious farm-to-table offerings, crafted by our in-house chef using seasonal and home-grown, organic produce picked fresh from our farm.


Our 40 square metre tents are elegant and spacious, fitted with local hand-crafted furniture and featuring an open bathroom and private patio.
Tea and Fire Place Heenat Salma Farm

Tea Tent and Fireplace

A shared space for our guests to gather beneath the stars, and share stories over a cup of tea.

Open Deck and Fireplace

An ideal locale to take part in one of our many Yoga workshops and other wellness programmes.

Pedagogical Garden

Our beautiful garden not only feeds the farm, but helps us to educate our community about permaculture and encourage fellow enthusiasts to adopt and utilise these essential techniques.


Educational Programs at the Farm settings around the topics of Biodiversity and Sustainability, Vocational Educational programs in Arts and Craft. These programs cater to a wide range of students, including Primary, Secondary, High school, and university students.


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In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.